AAG and PPV Annual Conference

Recognition at Last
Inclusive Communities and Services for
People Ageing with Post-Polio Syndrome

On 22nd November 2022, The Australian Association of Gerontology (AAG)  partnered with Post Polio Victoria and Celebrate Ageing Ltd to facilitate a workshop on the experiences and needs of people ageing with

Post Polio Syndrome (PPS). The workshop at the AAG annual conference in Adelaide explored:
• The experiences of polio survivors
• The perspectives of researchers and clinicians
• The views of aged care service providers.

The workshop included a paper on the unique experiences and needs of people ageing with PPS and suggestions for inclusive services and communities. The development of the paper, which will be led by AAG, is expected to influence change – Recognition at Last.

The voices of people ageing with PPS have not been heard. Planning for communities and services has not taken the needs of people ageing with PPS into account. This is the first national workshop calling for that to change – and we would value your support.

Please find below our shared stories:

PPV President: Shirley Glance OAM

PPV Vice President: Peter Freckleton


PPV Secretary: Robyn Abrahams

The Hon Kim Beazley AC


For more information
• Shirley Glance OAM President Post Polio Victoria: 0411 660 860
• Dr Catherine Barrett, Director Celebrate Ageing Ltd: 0429 582 237

Workshop Link: Polio (aagconference.asn.au)

PPV General Notice – AGM 5TH Dec at 11am

Dear PPV Member and Friends

Notice of PPV Annual General Meeting 2022

We are pleased to confirm the 2022 Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Post Polio Victoria (PPV) will be held on Monday 5th December 2022. The meeting will commence at 11am (AEDT)

Documents sent via email:

2022 AGM Agenda

2022 AGM DRAFT Minutes Nov 21

2022 Nomination Form

2022 Proxy Form

Register to attend the AGM – Bookings start Monday 21st Nov 2022 at 9am

Due to the impact of Covid-19 pandemic, the AGM will be conducted via Zoom (virtual room).

  • Members who register to attend will receive a Zoom link via email following their registration.
  • A link to a digital copy of the 2021/22 PPV Annual Report will be sent to all members a week before the AGM.
  • If you do not receive either email, then please check your junk folder or contact us.
  • Members must register to attend by Friday 2nd December at 6pm.
  • Following the formalities, we welcome questions from our members.

The PPV AGM is a special annual meeting to look over our achievements and elect a new committee for the coming year. Our annual report is also hot off the press in time for the meeting. There’s been plenty of discussions going on and exciting new projects to take us into 2023.

We look forward to seeing you there, and to another successful year for PPV!


Click below link to register for AGM


Thank you

Shirley Glance OAM


Post Polio Victoria Inc.

T: 0431 702 137




AAG Conference (PPV Committee Videos)

At the AAG Convention Tuesday 22nd Nov 2022

PPV are proud to share 3 Life stories of living with Polio 

President: Shilrey Glance (OAM)


Vice President: Peter Freckleton


Secretary: Robyn Abrahams


#polio has been an overwhelming experience.

#AAGConf22, Australian Association of Gerentoloy, CelebrateAgend and Post Post Polio Victoria

Class Action


PPV has been told that a class action is being considered to end the NDIS ban against people with disabilities over 65 yo. An information webpage is at  https://www.mitry.com.au/ndis  where you can download an expression of interest if you wish to participate.

For further information there will be a virtual  “Town Meeting” at 11 AM, Wednesday 21/09.

Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82167694096?pwd=bjhyZmJyMDlMSlUwTFJKSVd6V25WZz09

PPV has no involvement in this matter, and makes no recommendations, merely passing on this news item in case it may be of interest.

PWD – Australia – QDN

Open letter to all parties and candidates contesting the Federal Election in 2022
Leave no Australian behind in disasters and emergencies
31 March 2022

Australians with disability experienced first-hand significant impacts and disproportionate risks to their safety and wellbeing during the recent 2022 floods in South East Queensland and New South Wales. This is alongside the multiple disaster events of bushfires, droughts, cyclones, and the COVID-19 pandemic. We cannot continue to underestimate the significant and long-term effects
of these events for people with disability and carers.

It is time to take action and invest in a national approach for the future. We need to ensure that Australians with disability are included and represented across all levels of policy, practice and research


People with Disability Australia – QDN

Open letter to all parties and candidates contesting the Federal Election in 2022. Leave no Australian behind in disasters and emergencies
31 March 2022 Australians with disability experienced first-hand significant impacts and disproportionate risks to their safety and wellbeing during the recent 2022 floods in South East Queensland and New South Wales. This is alongside the multiple disaster events of bushfires, droughts, cyclones, and the COVID-19 pandemic. We cannot continue to underestimate the significant and long-term effects
of these events for people with disability and carers.

It is time to take action and invest in a national approach for the future. We need to ensure that Australians with disability are included and represented across all levels of policy, practice and research


PPV and SBS Interview

President Shirley Glance OAM and Secretary Robyn Abrahams were interviewed by SBS

– article link below.

Both Shirley and Robyn also appeared on SBS News evening of the 30/1/2022

– video on the PPV FB site.

Esther missed out on the polio vaccine. Her children won’t miss their COVID jabs
30 January 2022
Polio survivors in Australia share their views on the importance of getting vaccinated against COVID-19, particularly as schools prepare to welcome children back.

PM Scott Morrison named as respondent on behalf of Commonwealth in complaint to Human Rights Commission

Media Release Oct 2021

Dr Peter Freckleton, Board Member of PPV

In an Australian first, and one that will shock the nation, a formal complaint about discrimination against someone with a disability naming the Prime Minister as representative of the Commonwealth of Australia has been accepted for consideration by the Australian Human Rights Commission”.

Please click on the link below to access the full release content

Media Release DDD P Freckleton 21-10-25

The Age Article and PPV Response

Please see link to below article that was published in The Age newspaper on 3rd May 2021 – Falling off the ‘magical cliff’: Call for review of NDIS age limit:


As Polio survivors, we at Post Polio Victoria (PPV), thank you Bill Moss for raising this issue, we are acutely aware of the age discrimination against over 65’s in the NDIS. We call for immediate inclusion for fair and equal service for all PWD who are 65+. This would enable PWD and their families to live a full and happy productive, dignified life.

Please see below private Letters To The Editor that were published in The Age from:

Shirley Glance OAM – president of Post Polio Victoria

Dr Peter Freckleton – board member

Liz Telford OAM – past president of Post Polio Victoria

The Age Letters To The Editor May 2021



COVID-19 Vaccines Update

Please see below links for updates on the COVID-19 vaccine roll-out:







Post Polio Victoria Statement Opposing The ‘Independent Assessment’ For Access To National Disability Insurance Scheme

Post Polio Victoria (PPV) opposes the mooted introduction of “independent assessments” for access to the NDIS.

A change from the current assessment model to the mooted “independent assessment funded outsourced model” is unnecessary and potentially deleterious, in that it threatens current and potential participants with reduced assistance or even exclusion from access altogether. There is strong potential to re-traumatise polio sufferers, who need trusted health care providers who are essential to safe continuity of care.

It is undesirable to divert funding from resources for polio sufferers to an additional layer of bureaucracy, regressing from a human rights best practice model to a Dickensian welfare model.

The health and well-being of polio and wider disability communities must not be compromised by interference with the NDIS for reasons of cost-cutting or on any grounds whatsoever.”


Post Polio Victoria Inc.

T: 0431 702 137
