Arthur Marsden Whiting Fund – Application Form

The Arthur Marsden Whiting’s Sympathy Fund was established to provide assistance to people with a physical disability who are in need of financial support.

Case Study of Obtaining Orthotic Devices Through Home Care Package Funding

This description of difficulties experienced by a Polio Survivor when seeking to obtain funding through a Home Care Package for a Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis (KAFO) is provided by an Orthotist at a Melbourne Orthotics and Prosthetics practice.

Companion Cards

The Companion Card is issued to help people with a significant, permanent disability, who can demonstrate that they are unable to access most community activities and venues without attendant care support.

Continuity of Support Program

Assists people who have been receiving Disability Support Packages, BUT are not eligible for the NDIS because they are 65+.

Essential Medical Equipment Payment – Application Form

The purpose of the Essential Medical Equipment Payment is to cover the additional costs of running essential medical equipment, that arise from the introduction of a carbon price on 1 July 2012.

Home Renovation Loans – Fact Sheet
State Government of Victoria

Life Support Concession – Application Form
Victorian Government Human Services

The Life Support Concession assists Victorian households who hold a valid concession card with electricity costs where a member of the household uses an eligible life support machine

Medical Cooling Concession

If you are a concession card holder, and a member of the household has a medical condition that affects the body’s ability to regulate temperature, you can use this form to apply for assistance with summer electricity costs.

My Aged Care

People over the age of 65 can contact My Aged Care 1800 200 422 or go to to find out about services are available.

National Disability and Insurance Sceme

If you are under the age of 65 and live in an NDIS roll-out site (and have had polio) you may be eligible for the NDIS. Call the National Disability Insurance Agency on 1800 800 110 or go to for information on how to apply and when the NDIS will roll out in each local government area.

SWEP State Wide Equipment Program

SWEP provides Victorian people who either have a permanent or long-term disability or are frail aged with subsidised aids, equipment and home and vehicle modifications.

It provides some funding for assistive technology, continence aids, CPAP, car and home modifications.

For more information go to or telephone 1300 747 937