Robyn Abrahams – Secretary

Robyn – PPV Secretary and committee member

I contracted polio in 1953, and went into Fairfield hospital.

I am a Registered critical-care nurse, and midwife. After a successful clinical career, I returned to University. At Melbourne University I finished a degree that got me into Education and Training, Management and Human Resources in Health Care.

My last jobs were as a management consultant.

I retired a few years ago after busily juggling family and professional life.

When I was about 40, I started getting symptoms of Post-Polio Syndrome.

My eclectic interests are family, musical theatre, cookery/food, travel, antiques, museums, and barracking for the Brisbane Lions in the AFL.

My personal values of respect, dignity and justice align with Post Polio Victoria’s values.

I joined the PPV Committee in 2018 as a way of contributing to the better management of Post Polio Syndrome and LEoP (late effects of Polio) through our advocacy initiatives.

I will work to implement PPV’s vision and values for the greater good of polio survivors.