Submission to the Aged Care Royal Commission – we want to hear from you

We plan to make a submission to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Services. There are many issues of concern about the Aged Care system for people with disabilities and we want to particularly draw attention to the special needs of people who have had polio.

We know that people with disabilities do not receive the same level of support in the Aged Care system as under the NDIS.

We also know that people with polio in Aged Care facilities require additional supports and there have been some reports of difficulties accessing these.

We’d like to hear from you about your experiences of aged care services, either in home care or aged care facility.

What do you think are the issues and how do you think the aged care system, or a particular provider, can be improved to better meet your needs?

If you would like to look up the Guidelines for making a submission to the Royal Commission, you can go to this link:

Please get back to us by the end of March.
Looking forward to hearing from you,

Best Wishes,

Ron Bell
Post Polio Victoria Inc.

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